Whether your kitchen has traditional or contemporary cabinets, they’ll need a touch-up at some point. Of course, repainting kitchen cabinets isn’t always as easy as many people assume.

One of the challenges is applying paint with a brush without leaving brush marks on the cabinets. Rather than thinking only about the cost of repainting kitchen cabinets in your home, it’s a good idea to learn how to paint kitchen cabinets without leaving any brush marks!

Tips on How Best to Paint Kitchen Cabinets

Sand the Cabinets Beforehand

Builders attach cabinets to a wall for a close-fitting installation. Repainting these cabinets requires you to remove them from the walls to avoid splashing paint on the walls. You also need to remove the hardware from the cabinets, including hinges, screws, and locks.

Once you’ve removed the cabinets from the walls and their hardware, sand them lightly for a clean, smooth touch. This allows the paint to spread evenly and smoothly so that the brush doesn’t leave lines. Also, don’t forget to sand the doors of your cabinets, as well, especially if you’re planning to repaint them.

To remove any residual dust, fiber, and old paint from the surface of the cabinets, you can use a vacuum or air compressor to blow out all the dust from the surface before you proceed to the next phase of the project. If your cabinets have natural doors, you need to caulk and sand them before repainting for more impressive results.

If there are tiny holes or cracks on the surface of your cabinets, fill them up with wood filler, wait for the filler to dry, and sand them softly for a smooth finish. 

Use Wood Primer

When you’re choosing paint for the cabinets, add a superior-quality wood primer to your list. Primer is necessary whether you’re painting bare wood or repainting previously-painted kitchen cabinets.

Take your time to find the best quality wood primer for the best results. The primer you choose should be easy to apply and provide the cabinets with excellent paint adhesion.

Apply the primer correctly and sand it softly after giving it time to dry completely–this will give your cabinets a smoother surface. Don’t sand the primer immediately after applying it. Some primer manufacturers also claim that no sanding is necessary after application, but you should sand it softly to ensure the final paint gets maximum adhesion.

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After sanding the primer and cleaning the surface thoroughly, it’s time to apply the first coat. Much like the wood primer, the paint you choose for your kitchen cabinets will determine the final quality of the finish.

Opt for the highest grade of semi-gloss wood paint. Start by filling the borders of your cabinet doors using a paintbrush. Cut in the edges first to simplify the process. 

This also makes it easy for the paint roller to go near the edges. Use a paint roller to paint the larger areas of the cabinets. By getting the roller closer to the edges, you can get rid of any brush marks left behind after the cutting process. Avoiding roller marks is easier than preventing brush marks–just add enough paint to the roller and overlap each stroke of the roller whenever possible.

Once you’ve applied the first coat, check your work thoroughly for any paint drips and brush marks and rectify them before the paint dries. Leave the cabinets in the open to dry naturally.

Apply the Second Coat and Sand

Once the first coat has dried completely, apply the second coat. Sanding after it completely dries helps to remove any conspicuous brush marks before you apply the final coat.

Apply the Final Coat

When applying the top coat, double-check for any visible brush marks and cover them with paint. Don’t rush the final coat as it will determine the final result! Then, leave the cabinets outside to dry.

Consult With 27EStore

For more ideas on how to keep your kitchen cabinets looking new and stylish, 27EStore has you covered. Check out our vast catalog or reach out to our experts today!