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Interior Doors

  1. How Much Does a Commercial Glass Door Cost? Full Breakdown

    A commercial interior door with glass can make your entryway super appealing to existing and potential customers. It can also help increase foot traffic and boost sales. Considering it is a key element of your commercial space, we highly recommend researching and understanding the cost of a commercial glass door before you purchase one. It’ll help you make a wise investment.
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  2. How Often Should You Clean Glass on Entry Doors: A Guide to a Sparkling Welcome

    Glass doors can be tricky to maintain. Inappropriate cleaning can weaken the glass while slacking off can mean a massive buildup of grime and dirt–leaving you embarrassed when unexpected visitors arrive.
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  3. How to Paint a Door With Glass Panels

    An interior door with glass panels is a great way to elevate the aesthetic of your space, adding sophistication, elegance, and value. Whether you’re a homeowner seeking to update your living area or a seasoned house flipper wishing to increase your property’s value, painting a door with glass panels can bring great results.
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  4. How to Build a Door With Glass Panels: A Step-by-Step Guide

    It takes anywhere between thirty minutes and twelve hours to build an interior door with glass. The amount of exact time depends on your do-it-yourself-skill level, the complexity of your door’s design, and the materials you choose.
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  5. How to Update Interior Doors: A Simple Path to a New Aesthetic

    Interior wood doors are inherently flexible. Provided you pick premium, solid wood doors that have been engineered to last, you can add design features, new colors, veneers, and paints or switch your door hardware to achieve a different appearance to match your décor scheme.
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  6. How to Install Interior Double Doors in Existing Opening: Guide for Homeowners and Contractors

    Learning how to update interior doors will depend on the type of doors you’d like to revamp, upgrade, or replace, and a double set of doors is a fantastic way to create a versatile living space that can function as a wide, open plan area, or be separated into quieter, smaller rooms.
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  7. How to Paint Interior Doors: Revamping Your Home’s Look

    Painting residential interior wood doors is a simple way to achieve a new look or match high-quality doors to your unique design scheme without needing to replace them altogether. Of course, if your current doors are worn, tired, or uneven, it might be worth considering a premium upgrade that will last for years, with popular finishes including smooth, velvety walnut, bright modern bleached oak, and intricate zebra wood veneers.
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  8. Why Do Doors Have Glass Panels? Uncovering the Architectural Mystery

    While interior doors with glass panels are now considered a modern design feature, they date all the way back to the 17th century, when glazing became fashionable and a mark of superior taste in European countries such as France and Italy. At the time, the materials and production techniques available for craftspeople to build a door with glass panels were somewhat different, with doors constructed from wood or iron often taking weeks or months for talented artisans to design for affluent property owners.
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  9. How to Replace Glass Panel in Door: A Step-by-Step DIY Guide

    Why do doors have glass panels? The core benefit of a glazed door is that it boosts the ambiance of a property, opening up darker rooms, corridors, and spaces that would otherwise feel dim and unwelcoming.
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  10. Are Front Doors With Glass Safe? The Truth Behind Home Security Myths

    Despite common misconceptions, doors with glass panels can be very safe, with laminated, extra strong, break-resistant glass specifically engineered to withstand impacts and force–while providing the visibility and lighting necessary to verify any visitors to your home.
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