How Much Do Custom Interior Doors Cost? A Comprehensive Breakdown

When considering a new installation, understanding custom interior door pricing is essential for budgeting effectively. Custom doors can vary significantly in cost, influenced by factors such as material choice, size, design complexity, and additional features. 

While basic models might start at around $200, high-end custom options can reach up to $50,000, depending on the exclusivity of the design and the quality of materials used. For a more tailored experience, you might invest in unique designs or premium materials, which will be reflected in the final price. By familiarizing yourself with the range of custom interior door costs, you can make informed decisions that align with your style preferences and budget constraints.

Materials Used Can Influence Custom Interior Door Costs

As mentioned earlier, interior doors can cost anywhere between $100 and $50,000. If you don’t go for ready-to-install interior doors, you’ll have three choices for your custom door:

Wood Doors

Wood happens to be the most popular material for interior doors. It offers the best insulation properties and superior aesthetic appeal, as well as being easier to repair. However, it is also the most expensive material type and requires regular maintenance.

There are a variety of wood types that can be used to build an interior door. Compressed wood is affordable and may cost between $50 and $100 or so; however, solid woods such as oak, mahogany, and cherry wood can cost $400 to $500 per door. If you order a custom design, it may cost you up to $700 or $800. If you opt for hand-crafted wooden doors, it’s easy for the price tag to reach up to $6,000 per door.

Glass Doors

Glass is another popular material choice for interior doors because it is low maintenance and offers an abundance of natural sunlight, which can create a sense of openness and make small spaces appear larger. Plus, you can get glass doors in combination with wood, as well, which allows you to enjoy the best of both materials.

However, glass doors are poor insulators and may allow sound and heat or cold to permeate your home. Therefore, we do not recommend investing in glass doors if you are on a tight budget. You should either opt for high-quality glass doors (which may cost around $500 or $600 per door) or opt for wood, instead.

Metal Doors

Metal doors are usually used in industrial properties, between living areas and a garage, or in areas with security concerns. They compromise aesthetic appeal but offer incredible durability and low maintenance. 

The price of this type of door ranges from $200 to $1,000, depending on the quality of the metal used and the door size. Style and designs rarely impact a metal door’s price.

Other Factors That Contribute to the Cost of a Door

After deciding whether all your interior doors should match, there are other considerations that can also play a part in the cost of your new interior doors. These include:

Size and Dimensions

Standard doors measure between twenty-four and thirty-two inches in width and eighty inches in height. They cost between $500 and $1,200, depending on the material, design, and accessories they have. If you order a larger door, you may have to pay more.

If you request alterations in an existing model of an interior door, you may have to pay an additional amount for the alteration, even if you want the door to be smaller.

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Style and Design

Similar to dimensions, if you request alterations to existing designs and styles offered by a manufacturer, you’ll have to pay the cost of the original door plus the cost of the requested changes. This is true even if you only request a change of color or a custom door knob.

When it comes to ordering a custom interior door that you design from scratch, you can expect to pay anywhere between $1,000 and $50,000. This cost will cover everything from the design of the door to materials and construction.

Hardware and Accessories

The choice of hardware and accessories (such as door knobs and hinges) also influences the cost of interior doors. If you opt for premium or decorative hardware, you will have to pay more. Similarly, if you opt for specialized hinges like self-closing or concealed hinges, you’ll have to pay more than it would cost for an average hinge.

Final Thoughts

There are seemingly endless choices when it comes to interior doors. To help select the type that works best for your home, professionals at 27EStore are ready to help! 

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